Report Your Qualifying Activities

A hand is seen tapping a cell phone screen next to an open laptop.

You must report your qualifying activity hours at the time of application and annual renewal.
Please note, your qualifying activities may need to be verified. Qualifying activity requirements
will only apply to Pathways and not those who are enrolled under the traditional Medicaid

Qualifying Activities Verification

Your qualifying activities may need to be verified. Acceptable documentation may include:

Qualifying Activities Verification
Qualifying ActivityVerification Source
  • Pay stubs
  • Written statement from source/employer
  • Gross earnings (if hourly pay is known)
  • Timesheet
  • Signed Standardized Work/Participation Calendar from member indicating hours engaged (Member may fill in a standardized worksheet template indicating total weekly hours worked per client/activity; OR submit a snapshot of their actual work calendar from the reporting month, e.g., photo of ledger of appointments or screenshot of calendar with work activities)
On-the-job training
  • Statement from supervisor sponsoring the on-the-job training
Job Readiness
  • Signed statement from Recognized Agency or Community Resource indicating hours engaged (Recognized agencies include Georgia Department of Labor Career Center, Workforce Development Board, Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency, Goodwill, and other agencies as authorized by the State)
  • Signed statement from habilitation/rehabilitation institution verifying hours in last four weeks
Community Service
  • Standardized Work/Participation Calendar signed by organization
  • Signed statement on organization letterhead from supervisor verifying hours
Vocational Educational Training
  • Official course enrollment for the current semester from the Office of the Registrar
  • Copy of class schedule for the current semester
  • Enrollment status through an interface (if available and if the student has consented to have their enrollment information shared with the Department of Human Services)
Enrollment in an Institution of Higher Education
  • Official course enrollment for the current semester from the Office of the Registrar
  • Copy of class schedule for the current semester
  • Enrollment status through an interface (if available and if the student has consented to have their enrollment information shared with the Department of Human Services)
Enrollment and active engagement in the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) Vocational Rehabilitation program
  • Signed statement from GVRA dated within four weeks of Pathways application submission by the individual
  • Enrollment letter dated within four weeks of Pathways application submission by the individual
  • Current active client status through GVRA interface (if available and if the individual consented to have their enrollment information shared with the Department of Human Services)