Eligibility Criteria

A diverse group of adults is seated at a conference.

Georgia Pathways to Coverage™ offers Medicaid coverage to Georgians ages 19-64 who have a household income of up to 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). For example, in 2025, this equals $15,650 per year or $1,304 on average per month for one person and $26,650 per year or $2,220 on average per month for a family of three. Eligible Georgians are not otherwise eligible for traditional Medicaid and meet the qualifying activities threshold. 

To be eligible for Pathways, you must: 

  • Be a Georgia resident
  • Be a U.S. citizen or legally residing non-citizen
  • Be between 19 and 64 years of age
  • Have a household income of up to 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). For example, in 2025, this equals:
    • $15,650 per year or $1,304 on average per month for one person
    • $26,650 per year or $2,220 on average per month for a family of three
  • Complete at least 80 hours of qualifying activities per month
  • Not qualify for any other type of Medicaid
  • Not be incarcerated

To see if you meet the FPL income guidelines, click here.

To be eligible for Pathways, you must demonstrate that you are currently engaged in 80 hours per month of a qualifying activity or combination of activities. Qualifying activities include:

  • Full-time or part-time employment
  • On-the-job training
  • Job readiness assistance programs
  • Community service
  • Vocational educational training
  • Enrollment in the Vocational Rehabilitation program of the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA)
  • Higher education through enrollment in public and private universities and technical colleges
    • Current college course-load credit hours will be granted qualifying activity hours as follows:
      • At least 11.5 credit hours will count as 80 hours per month.
      • Between 5.50 and 11.49 credit hours will count as 40 hours per month.
      • Between 0.01 and 5.49 credit hours will count as 20 hours per month.​​

At application and annual renewal, your qualifying activities may need to be verified.

Qualifying activity requirements will only apply to Pathways members and not those who are enrolled in other Georgia Medicaid programs.

Citizenship Verification 

To qualify for Georgia Pathways to Coverage™, an applicant must be a Georgia resident and a US citizen or legally residing non-citizen.

To prove citizenship status, applicants may  need to provide documents that show they are a Georgia resident and a U.S. citizen or legally residing non-citizen, and that show their identity.

Pathways enrollment may or may not cause you to be considered a public charge which could impact your citizenship status. If you believe that participation in Pathways might impact your citizenship status, contact the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) before applying. It is important to understand how this might affect you. 

For more information on what it means to be a public charge, visit USCIS’s website at www.uscis.gov or call at 1-800-375-5283.

Income Verification 

To qualify for Georgia Pathways to Coverage™, an applicant must have a gross household income of up to 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Dollar amounts for the FPL are updated annually.